
Ordering Tips
If you are unsure about the delivery day for the marketplace you are shopping in, there are a couple of places to check.

1. Start shopping and look in your delivery cart.

 If you don’t want to place an order, just delete the items. You will automatically receive an e-mail that an order has been placed, but you can disregard if your cart is empty.  Also, if your order is below $30, the order will automatically be deleted within the hour as the order is below our order minimum.  All items will be returned to inventory for someone else to purchase.


2. Upcoming Deliveries 

Upcoming delivery page can be found by logging into your account and going to the upper right-hand corner and hover over “My Account” and then select “Upcoming Deliveries”

If you are having trouble changing your account from delivery to pick up, don’t fret.  Just place your order and immediately send us an e-mail at support@farmlinkhawaii.com, a text or call at 808-201-5252.  Let us know your desired pick up location and we will make sure you don’t incur a delivery charge and that your order makes it to the right location.


This delivery truck is empty!